Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Sunday, December 30, 2007

By leaps and bounds...

One of the reasons why I decided to join the Iron Team in the first place was to conquer my fear of swimming in open water. A few weeks ago I posted my story about my first triathlon and stated that my swim sucked, mainly because I lost my nerve, panicked, and totally freaked out 50 yards into it. Ever since then I haven't felt right about anything regarding the training and I really wanted another go in the open water before our next scheduled tri in a month's time. Renee, Jesus, Jerald and I decided to go for it and we planned to do our own open water swim at Aquatic Park in San Francisco and I am so glad we did. I took my time, allowed myself to get acclimated to my surroundings, RELAXED, and this time I remembered everything I had been working on in the pool over the last three months and I was able to swim 200 yards non stop several times. It was amazing. I am so happy about this that I can hardly explain it.

It was about 45 degrees that morning but there wasn't a cloud in the sky. A beautiful winter day in San Francisco.

Jerald put on his wetsuit for the first time, this was his first open water swim. He was pretty nervous and it took some arm twisting to get him to join us...
We made our way out into the water which was so cold that it was painful to get in. It took a while to get warm again but we did. Wetsuits are amazing...
Once we felt ready to go we headed out to the white buoy which was about 100 yards from shore. Unlike the last time, I was able to swim as I have been instructed, I was able to relax, I didn't go out too hard, and I made it!
I ended up doing four laps total, this is a shot of Renee and I taking off for another lap with Jerald and Jesus looking on.
My last lap was my best, I was comfortable throughout and was pretty happen when I got back.
Renee and I were thrilled with today's swim as we both had rough swims at the practice tri, but we were all very happy and proud of Jerald as he did great in his first time out. Jesus was a great coach today, he put us all in the right frame of mind and told us exactly what we needed to hear. His girlfriend Bertina took the pictures and did a great job as well. What a day!

It's crazy when I think back to late July when I couldn't swim one length of a pool (25 yards) without stopping to catch my breath. I am gaining confidence and skill with the swimming by leaps and bounds! I am back to thinking that I can actually do this...

Monday, December 17, 2007

Weekend with the Ironteam

The Ironteam had workouts on both ends of this weekend. Saturday was the Spinerval, and Sunday was the Run/Swim workout. A spinerval is a series of Spinning intervals broken up by running laps on the track followed by strength training.

We would do a spin workout for 20 minutes , get off the bikes and we would run on the track for about 1.5 miles

After the run we would meet the coaches where they would lead us in strength training. Sometimes it was squats and lunges, or push ups and crunches. In this case we worked with the bands to strengthen our shoulders

The bands also work for the quads as well as the ass. This thing really did have me sore in places I didn't know I had muscles. After the strength stuff it was back on the bikes for another spinerval. We did this 4 times on Saturday...

On Sunday we did our longest swim workout yet as we were in the pool for one hour and forty minutes and for the first time I logged in over 2 miles in a workout. This picture illustrates what fast, experienced swimmers look like.

This is what I look like...

After the swim we ran for 40 minutes and called it a day. After a mandatory burrito, I got home, took a shower and pretty much spent the rest of Sunday on the couch watching football. It took every ounce of energy that I could muster just to do that. I am seriously loving this team.

Monday, December 10, 2007

My First Triathlon

Sunday the Ironteam held a practice triathlon as part of our training. Both the North Bay as well as our team were in attendance. Roughly 70 people taking part, and at times it seemed just as many volunteers were there to put the race on. I was pretty nervous as I really didn't know what to expect. This would also be the first time I swam in my wetsuit, in open water, and in traffic. I got a crash course in setting up both transition areas and the little details like where to put your race number on your bike so it doesn't obstruct your water bottle. It was actually kinda cool to not know everything or be expected to. Everyone was so helpful in telling me how to set up, I'll never forget that.

In short, the swim sucked. The water level at is pretty low which meant we had to walk barefoot down the embankment on gravel and sharp rocks that hurt your feet in order to reach the water. With the temperature in the mid 40's that morning, getting into the water literally took my breath away. I was really nervous too which made me go out too fast and I actually started to panic when I got to the first buoy because I was out of breath and absolutely spent. Between going too fast, having a rough time breathing in the freezing water, and swimming in a wetsuit which I learned is pretty restrictive, I actually did a lot of my swimming on my back! It was pretty crazy but I finished, and learned a lot in those 15 minutes or so that I was in the water. Next time, I need to SSLLOOOOOOWWWW DOOOOWWWWWWWNNNNN...... The worst 600 yards of my life.

Once I finished the swim I got out of the water and walked up the gravel and rocky embankment to the transition area to get ready for the bike. My feet were so cold that I didn't feel a thing going back up that embankment. I don't even remember thinking about my feet other than they felt like rocks themselves. I got to my bike and spent what seemed like the next 5 minutes getting my wetsuit off. My arms and legs were exhausted from the swim, and stiff as well from being frozen in that water. I got my suit off and put my riding pants, shoes, gloves, and helmet on and I was off. The rest of the race was great, it took a while for my legs to feel "normal" again but I was able to do the 12 mile ride without issue. It was a lot of fun cheering on teammates as we passed each other going out and coming back in.

I got to Transition 2 and threw off my pants, put on my running shirt with my number on it and off I went for the 5K. As I put my running shoes on I realized that my feet were still frozen stiff, even more so than when I got out of the water after riding in that cold air. It took about 2 miles of running before they felt "normal" again. As I reached the finish line I was glad it was done, but I really felt dissapointed in the swim. I felt like I made great strides in my swimming over the last 2 months, and I have. But the open water informed me that I still have a ways to go.

When got back to the start/finish area and was reunited with my friends Jesus and Renee, I found out I wasn't the only one freaking out in the water which was good to know. In the end I did have a good time and I am so happy we did that race. I am eternally grateful for the Ironteam for putting that on!

Monday, December 03, 2007

UPDATE re: 40

Today I learned that I still got it...

Lately I have been fighting this cold that has not taken my spirit or my energy, but for the first time in my life I have lost the ability to speak. Ever since 4pm on Saturday afternoon, no-one can understand the words that are coming out of my mouth. My lips move and short faint gasps can be detected but that's all I can muster. After all those Raider games, weekends partying in Chico, AD/DC concerts, never had I lost my voice to this extent till now. Taking an Irishman's tongue is like putting a bird in a cage. It's just not natural. It really, really sucks which is why I have decided to absolutely bombard myself with every over the counter cough and decongestant at my disposal. On my latest trip to Rite-Aid I picked up an 8oz bottle of Robitussin, and I am talking about the good shit with the magnetic label on the top that sets off the alarm at the door if the checker doesn't deactivate it. I took the bottle to the register and the older lady scans the box and asks if I am feeling OK. I motioned yes by nodding as telling vocally her would have been impossible. As I pulled out my debit card and prepared myself to answer the question "ATM or credit?" as I have been pre-programmed, this kind, thoughtful, beautiful woman asked me for my ID, as she needed to ensure that I was actually over the age of 21.

For a fleeting moment in my mind this unfolding magic whisked me and this woman from the cold and sterile environment of the fluorescent lighting, X-mas impulse items, and bad muzak, and transported us into a field of sun splashed waving amber grass as we ran to each other, her in a flowing white chiffon dress, and me in my bell bottom jeans, tie dyed shirt, and beads. The sounds "Dawn of the Aquarius" wafting in the background as this gift from God so eloquently bestowed itself upon me.

I got carded today, and man did that feel good. But as luck would have it I can't tell anybody.

Story of my life.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Today the Ironteam received the bad news that some of us were anticipating, there will be no entries for TnT into either Ironman Canada, or Ironman Lake Placid. We were all warned that this was a possibility about a month ago and were highly encouraged to make contingency plans to register for either the Vineman Full in Napa, or Ironman Louisville. To me the choice was simple, I want to do an actual Ironman event, not an extension of an existing shorter distance race not sanctioned by Ironman. I have been to Louisville before and I liked it a lot. Great night life with lots and lots of live music, something the bay area tends to lack. It's also a couple hours drive to St. Louis and a one hour drive to Cincinnati, two ballparks I haven't been to yet. Also, the people are very nice and have a really fun accent. One more reason to choose Louisville over Napa, you get two more weeks to train/procrastinate... So instead of "Beauty, eh!!!" I'll be hearing "y'all-most-there!"

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thursday, November 15, 2007

On turning 40

40... I used to think that when you were in your 40's you were old. Maybe it's true but I sure don't feel old. I don't feel much different than I did when I was in my early 30's, really... I just can't believe I am 40motherfuckinyears old today! God DAMN!!!!

Some things have changed. I now pull for guys in their late 30's and early 40's who still try to play pro ball. I still like Rock music but I think all the new stuff is absolute garbage. I have no grey hair but I my sight is going. There are definite signs of aging everywhere, I guess I just don't feel like I thought I was supposed to feel when I turned 40.

When my Dad turned 40 he kind of went crazy and decided that for his birthday he was going to jump out of an airplane, just like he did when he was in the Marines. We all went out to Hollister to watch him on a Sunday morning. He leapt from the plane, the chute opened and he slowly floated back down to the ground where he proceeded to break his ankle. Right then and there I thought to myself "I hope when I turn 40 I don't get all weird and do something crazy to prove to the world that I am not over the hill like this jackass..." Seriously, no jumping out of planes, no gratuitous feats of strength or taking up any new endeavors just to prove to everyone that I can still hack it. You know what I mean?

Anyway, I gotta get ready for Ironteam practice, I'll talk to you guys later...

Others who share my Birthday include:
Ol' Dirty Bastard 1968
Randy "Macho Man" Savage 1952
Beverly D'Angelo 1951
Sam Waterston 1940
Yaphet Kotto 1937
Ed Asner 1929
Joseph Wapner 1919
Erwin Rommel "The Desert Fox" 1891
William Herschel 1738 "German Astronomer who discovered the planet Uranus" hehe, I said Uranus....

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Frankly, I'm exhausted....

I have sooo much to tell you guys and so many pictures to share that it is rediculous, but I am really fricken tired. I am slowly uploading photos to my snapfish site so if you are interested in seeing everything, like this kick ass castle I hung out in one day (800 years old and wars were fought there! YEAHHH!!!!!) let me know and I will put you on the distribution list. Stories are coming, I just need a little time to get back into our time zone again. Jesus.....

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Please try again on 11/05/07

I will be out of the country beginning 10/25/07 and returning on 11/05/07. Not only will I partake in the Dublin Marathon but I also hope to learn more of the land that my family came from, and maybe even a better understanding of what makes me who I am. Perhaps these photos will give you an idea of what lay ahead in the next week and a half...

Erin Go Bragh, Bitches!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fun in a wetsuit

I ordered a wetsuit and got a great deal on a Zoot Zenith "WetZoot"! I tried it on as soon as I got it home and it wasn't long before I realized how fun it was! Check it out...

It wasn't long before it became very warm in the wetsuit...
Frankly, I was exhausted. That's going to be it from me for about a week. I am off it Ireland to run the Dublin Marathon on Monday the 29th and see the land from which my family came. See you all later!!!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Monday, October 08, 2007

You want this shirt!!!!

Before you roll your eye's and say to yourself "Just what I need right now, pictures of Barber in his pajamas with an image of the American Flag on the TV and his living room is a mess and, wait, what's in that bottle????"

Relax. It's only the greatest and best fundraiser in the world. Here's the deal. For a $20.00 donation, you get a long sleeve, navy blue, cotton t-shirt.

Full color Team in Training logo on the left breast with the good green and purple colors.

On the back, "Saving Lives.... One Mile At A Time!" with the swim, bike, and run logos.

But here is the best part. I have a friend who can do 2 for 1 corporate matching from her company, so your $20.00 donation turns into $60.00 to fight Leukemia, Lymphoma, and other blood related cancers. You do something good for humanity, and look damn good doing it...

Great for lounging around or even doing Mick Jagger impressons... Regardless of your needs, YOU WANT THIS SHIRT!!!

Contact me at to get yours today!!!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Picture of the day

"You just go hide that stuff, I'll deal with Po Po...."

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I'll have the quad latte, please...

A few months back I reported that the results of my physical was a general clean bill of health but that I had a blood pressure reading that was borderline high, 120/90. At the time I was 173 lbs so the doctor told me to come back in three months and we would check it again, only this time come back at 170 lbs or less. Also, he wanted me to cut back on my coffee intake. Not by a lot, but maybe keep it to two cups a day.

Today I went in for my follow up appointment. I stepped on the scale and it read 170.1 lbs. He asked me about my coffee intake and I told him that I had been good, 2 -3 cups a day max. I also told him about the additional working out that I have been doing over the last three weeks and took all red meat out of my diet and I am eating a lot more vegetables. He proceeded to take my blood pressure and it read... (drumroll) 110/82!!!!

Here is the best news of all, he believes that my improved blood pressure reading was due to a combination of the lower weight and the diet lower in fat and more vegetables, and really didn't have much to do with my lower coffee intake.

I proudly marched out of his office and went straight to Starbucks. Make it a Venti Quad Latte, bitches!!!!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Luke's Run 2007

Every year the South Bay team puts on a birthday party for Luke Ydens, a young honoree who lost his battle with Leukemia 6 years ago. This year there were Four races, a 5K for adults, and then a 100 yard dash for age groups 0-5, 6-9, and 10 on up. Not only was it a great event for fundraising and celebrating a life that has now touched so many, but it was also a reunion of TnT alumi as well. The biggest winners of all were the kids who all got medals and treats at the end of the race.

John and Karen planning just before the start.

At the end of the National Anthem, a flock of doves was released by Luke's brothers, and later the race was underway.

While the race took place I had a chance to visit with old friends, and coaches like Anna Marie King. Once the race was over the kids took care of the extra balloons for us.

This was also the debut of Anthony Martin, 5 weeks old.

Everyone loaded up with balloons in preparation to sing happy birthday to Luke.

Luke's mom and dad address the crowd, thanking them all for coming and then Luke's brothers led us in the singing of Happy Birthday.