Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Luke's Run 2007

Every year the South Bay team puts on a birthday party for Luke Ydens, a young honoree who lost his battle with Leukemia 6 years ago. This year there were Four races, a 5K for adults, and then a 100 yard dash for age groups 0-5, 6-9, and 10 on up. Not only was it a great event for fundraising and celebrating a life that has now touched so many, but it was also a reunion of TnT alumi as well. The biggest winners of all were the kids who all got medals and treats at the end of the race.

John and Karen planning just before the start.

At the end of the National Anthem, a flock of doves was released by Luke's brothers, and later the race was underway.

While the race took place I had a chance to visit with old friends, and coaches like Anna Marie King. Once the race was over the kids took care of the extra balloons for us.

This was also the debut of Anthony Martin, 5 weeks old.

Everyone loaded up with balloons in preparation to sing happy birthday to Luke.

Luke's mom and dad address the crowd, thanking them all for coming and then Luke's brothers led us in the singing of Happy Birthday.


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