Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

On turning 40

40... I used to think that when you were in your 40's you were old. Maybe it's true but I sure don't feel old. I don't feel much different than I did when I was in my early 30's, really... I just can't believe I am 40motherfuckinyears old today! God DAMN!!!!

Some things have changed. I now pull for guys in their late 30's and early 40's who still try to play pro ball. I still like Rock music but I think all the new stuff is absolute garbage. I have no grey hair but I my sight is going. There are definite signs of aging everywhere, I guess I just don't feel like I thought I was supposed to feel when I turned 40.

When my Dad turned 40 he kind of went crazy and decided that for his birthday he was going to jump out of an airplane, just like he did when he was in the Marines. We all went out to Hollister to watch him on a Sunday morning. He leapt from the plane, the chute opened and he slowly floated back down to the ground where he proceeded to break his ankle. Right then and there I thought to myself "I hope when I turn 40 I don't get all weird and do something crazy to prove to the world that I am not over the hill like this jackass..." Seriously, no jumping out of planes, no gratuitous feats of strength or taking up any new endeavors just to prove to everyone that I can still hack it. You know what I mean?

Anyway, I gotta get ready for Ironteam practice, I'll talk to you guys later...

Others who share my Birthday include:
Ol' Dirty Bastard 1968
Randy "Macho Man" Savage 1952
Beverly D'Angelo 1951
Sam Waterston 1940
Yaphet Kotto 1937
Ed Asner 1929
Joseph Wapner 1919
Erwin Rommel "The Desert Fox" 1891
William Herschel 1738 "German Astronomer who discovered the planet Uranus" hehe, I said Uranus....

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