Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Monday, December 17, 2007

Weekend with the Ironteam

The Ironteam had workouts on both ends of this weekend. Saturday was the Spinerval, and Sunday was the Run/Swim workout. A spinerval is a series of Spinning intervals broken up by running laps on the track followed by strength training.

We would do a spin workout for 20 minutes , get off the bikes and we would run on the track for about 1.5 miles

After the run we would meet the coaches where they would lead us in strength training. Sometimes it was squats and lunges, or push ups and crunches. In this case we worked with the bands to strengthen our shoulders

The bands also work for the quads as well as the ass. This thing really did have me sore in places I didn't know I had muscles. After the strength stuff it was back on the bikes for another spinerval. We did this 4 times on Saturday...

On Sunday we did our longest swim workout yet as we were in the pool for one hour and forty minutes and for the first time I logged in over 2 miles in a workout. This picture illustrates what fast, experienced swimmers look like.

This is what I look like...

After the swim we ran for 40 minutes and called it a day. After a mandatory burrito, I got home, took a shower and pretty much spent the rest of Sunday on the couch watching football. It took every ounce of energy that I could muster just to do that. I am seriously loving this team.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice pics Barber! :-) Looking forward to 2008! Go Team! ~ J.