Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

When this house is a rockin, don't bother knockin...

We here in Northern California have experienced a higher frequency of earthquakes recently. 4 quakes with a magnitude of 3.0 or higher in just the last week. The largest just hit tonight at 8:40pm and it centered in Lafayette (East Bay) and it was felt as far north of Sebastapol, as far south as Monterey. And just as in all the other quakes, I DIDN'T FEEL ANY OF THEM!!!! Usually I am either asleep or not close enough, this time I was driving home from Track and since I was on the freeway, totally oblivious.

I feel so cheated when I hear of a quake and I don't feel it. This is bullshit. It's like being at an amusement park and hearing about this one ride that totally kicks ass, but they close it just before you were even able to get in line. And as you stand there wishing you could feel it, everyone around you is talking about how radical it was. I love earthquakes much the same way someone from the midwest loves lightning. Sure they both can be frightening and cause serious damage, but 999 times out of 1000 it's a harmless yet fascinating and awesome phenomenon.

Rock on!

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