Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

It's finally here, my favorite holiday! I love Thanksgiving for three important reasons. The real meaning of Thanksgiving is to give thanks for how fortunate we are, and this is especially true for me. I have so much to be thankful for that It would take a separate blog to list them all. The symbolic image of Pilgrims sharing thier meals with the same Indians who helped them survive is sort of how I feel about my friends. Without them I dont know where I would be in this life and I am very thankful for all of them. Secondly, you get to eat an amazingly huge amount of food and noone can scorn you. You are simply celebrating the holiday. And lastly, there are three NFL games on this year, what more do you need to be thankful for?

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!!!

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