Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Friday, November 17, 2006

Farewell Leslie Griffith

The San Jose Mercury News announced today that Leslie Griffith has resigned from the Channel 2 newscast after 20 years of service. Over the years I grew to admire and respect Leslie's professionalism, integrity, and sense of fashion. Noone else could pull off reading the story of the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster while wearing a silk muave kimono with her hair in a beehive. And that voice, oh that voice will be missed. Fluctuating her tone to emphasize importance was her trade mark. Sincerity be damned, Leslie was the queen of melodramatic newscasting. In her parting statement Leslie was quoted as saying ``It's been an extremely exciting and rewarding experience. But as many people can appreciate, my duties have been all-encompassing. After many successful years in the profession and at KTVU as an anchor and a reporter, I want the opportunity to continue growing and reaching out for as much knowledge as I can in this life.''
In other words: She's negotiated a deal with the station to leave that includes not saying why she's really taking off.

As the news hit the wire, reaction was swift. Here are just a few samplings of the people's sentiments:

I always wondered if she just had a really deep head cold or severe allergy problem
Posted by: Max, San Jose

Good. I could not stand her overly dramatic way of speaking. It just got worse and worse over the years. I watch this news because it's on at a good time for me. now I don't have to listen to that melodramatic voice any more!!! Yay!!!
Posted by: a viewer

It's a man
Posted by:

I would love it if Ms. Griffith got into adult entertainment. Mmmmmm.
Posted by: Nancy Plover

Whatever Leslie Griffith decides to do, her distinctive voice and wardrobe will be very hard to miss. Good Luck, Leslie!

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