Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Ding Ding

While most of you were sleeping, or those of you on the east coast were in your pajamas drinking coffee this morning, I was up at 4:15am to meet my friend Glenn Escudero at Undisputed Boxing for the 5:30am workout. An hour and a half of crunches, pushups, lunges, squats, and hitting the heavybag. Why, do you ask??? Cause I am out of my friggen mind, that's why... I am so tired right now that I almost fell asleep in the bathroom standing at the urinal. Niiiiiice... This is going to be one loooooooong day.

Thanks Glenn!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

It's finally here, my favorite holiday! I love Thanksgiving for three important reasons. The real meaning of Thanksgiving is to give thanks for how fortunate we are, and this is especially true for me. I have so much to be thankful for that It would take a separate blog to list them all. The symbolic image of Pilgrims sharing thier meals with the same Indians who helped them survive is sort of how I feel about my friends. Without them I dont know where I would be in this life and I am very thankful for all of them. Secondly, you get to eat an amazingly huge amount of food and noone can scorn you. You are simply celebrating the holiday. And lastly, there are three NFL games on this year, what more do you need to be thankful for?

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!!!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Farewell Leslie Griffith

The San Jose Mercury News announced today that Leslie Griffith has resigned from the Channel 2 newscast after 20 years of service. Over the years I grew to admire and respect Leslie's professionalism, integrity, and sense of fashion. Noone else could pull off reading the story of the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster while wearing a silk muave kimono with her hair in a beehive. And that voice, oh that voice will be missed. Fluctuating her tone to emphasize importance was her trade mark. Sincerity be damned, Leslie was the queen of melodramatic newscasting. In her parting statement Leslie was quoted as saying ``It's been an extremely exciting and rewarding experience. But as many people can appreciate, my duties have been all-encompassing. After many successful years in the profession and at KTVU as an anchor and a reporter, I want the opportunity to continue growing and reaching out for as much knowledge as I can in this life.''
In other words: She's negotiated a deal with the station to leave that includes not saying why she's really taking off.

As the news hit the wire, reaction was swift. Here are just a few samplings of the people's sentiments:

I always wondered if she just had a really deep head cold or severe allergy problem
Posted by: Max, San Jose

Good. I could not stand her overly dramatic way of speaking. It just got worse and worse over the years. I watch this news because it's on at a good time for me. now I don't have to listen to that melodramatic voice any more!!! Yay!!!
Posted by: a viewer

It's a man
Posted by:

I would love it if Ms. Griffith got into adult entertainment. Mmmmmm.
Posted by: Nancy Plover

Whatever Leslie Griffith decides to do, her distinctive voice and wardrobe will be very hard to miss. Good Luck, Leslie!

Root Canals are overrated

Back in March I broke a molar eating pizza and ended up having it filled. It never quite felt right and the dentist warned me that I would need a crown at some point to truly fix it. The last few weeks it has become quite sensitive to hot and cold and I find myself taking Advil every morning and every night. I went in today to see the Endodontist (root canal specialist) for a consultation, and she decided that it needed a root canal vs. simply a new fitting. What I didnt expect was that it was going to happen right then and there. This is a hell of a way to start a Friday...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I am 39!!!!!!

Be nice to me today, it's my birthday, bitches!!!!

The Cat's Ass

I got the best birthday present ever on Sunday, an iPod Shuffle second generation. This thing is amazingly small and holds hours of music. I am sure you have heard of it, probably seen it, and you might even own one so this is hardly news to anyone who reads this. But what might be news to you is that I never run with music, until now. I went for my usual 6 mile run this morning and I ended up doing 8 with my kick ass tunes on, I couldn't stop! It's amazing how much ground you can cover when you are listening to Judas Priest, Metallica, and Public Enemy. Who knew 50 Cent and Lil Jon could make me run so effortlessly? If you run and you don't have an iPod, you need to go out and get one cause this thing is definitely the Cat's Ass!!!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Whats the point???

"OK, ladies. Move in tighter so I can get you in the shot. I don't to miss one feature... Poonam, you are squinting!"

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Comcast can suck it...

Why is it that everytime I have issues with my cable (not an uncommon phenominon) I end up having to call Comcast several times and speak to several "customer service agents" until I find one that actually knows how to do thier job? This time the issue was the Speed Channel and our inability to view it. My roommate Kathy called and set up an appointment to have a repairman come out and fix the box which happened this morning. I get back from my long run and all I want to do is sit in my lazyboy and watch football. I turn on the TV and the closed captions are on the screen. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to turn them off so I end up calling Comcast. After spending an inordinate amount of time explaining to the "customer service agent" That the account is under my roommate's name and my name isn't Kathy, he insists on calling me maa'm. This brainiac points out that the cable box does not have a closed caption feature and it must be coming from the TV itself, so I get off the phone. I checked out the tv and the caption feature was off. So now I call back and get a woman this time who seemed to have a much easier time comprehending that a) I was not Kathy and that I was in fact a male, and b) the cable box did have a caption feature and I had to turn off the box in order to go to the off line menu and disable the captions. Why aren't these service reps on the same page? You would think they would go to the same training sessions and all have the same knowledge about the customer service. I mean, c'mon. How fricken hard is it to know if you are speaking to a man or a woman on the phone? I hate Comcast and as far as I am concerned, they can suck it!

Screw you, Comcast....