Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Monday, August 28, 2006

Wake up the echoes...

After spending two days in Chicago with Lecia's High School friends from Minnesota, as well as her college friends who now live in Chicago, we drove 50 miles south to Beecher, IL where Lecia's mom lives. There we spent the day with Lecia's two brothers, their families, and had a big Imbery family day which was very nice and we all ate very well. One dish that I found particularly good was fried noodles with a sauce made of peanut butter and maple syrup. Sounds crazy but it was really good. The next day we left Illinois and headed east into Indiana. We stopped in South Bend, IN to check out the campus of the University of Notre Dame. My brother and I grew up watching their football games on TV, a natural affection for us since they were "The Fighting Irish" in a Catholic school. I never thought I would actually get to see Touchdown Jesus or the Stadium in my lifetime. And then the famous tunnel where the players of both teams must meet together before they hit the field. How this place must rock when the games are being played...

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