Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Uncle Chris Rocks

On Saturday I took my brother and my two nieces to the Giants game to reinforce the fact that I am the greatest Uncle in the land...

This is my niece Kaley( turns 5 next month) on the right, and a young Korean child named Annyong(9 years) who we brought along. He had this peculuar way of repeating his own name whenever he was called by it.

This is my other niece Lindsey, she hates having her picture taken...

We drove to the Milbrae Train station which is where the real adventure began. Keeping three kids from crossing the yellow line is not as easy as it sounds...

Once we got to the game we feasted on hot dogs, cokes, nachos, garlic fries, and hot fudge sundaes. It was nothing short of amazing to see so much food being inhaled by these little animals. I loved every minute of it.

Later on we went down to the kids field to let Kaley play...

The train ride home was made especially fun by their insistence of rubbing their faces on the filthiest surfaces imaginable...

By the time I got home I was absolutely exhausted. Showing these kids a good time was a lot of fun for me but it was a ton of work as well. It also gave me a much better appreciation for what my brother and his wife go through everyday. Parenthood isn't easy, especially when it's regarding these two monkeys. Can't wait to do it again next year, but thank GOD it's a year from now.....

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