Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Friday, August 17, 2007

I'm back.....

Trading shots with the birthday girl. The diabolical Dr. Chang has me falling off the wagon...

Damn you, Dr. Chang!!!!!

(we are re-enacting last years birthday celebration where the whole table took kamikaze shots for Amy. This year it was sprite and cranberry juice so I decided to join in.)

1 comment:

mebeame said...

I liked it better when you weren't updating your blog as much. =P

I'm not sure what's worse – being crazy enough to take a new cyclist up one tough climb (you did awesome, by the way) or having fake shots for my b-day. I think I may be getting a bad reputation on this blog and I LOVE IT!

Thanks for celebrating my birth with two "damn you"s and one "diabolical". I’m pretty sure that’s a new record for me! =)