Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Friday, June 01, 2007

Two things to consider....

I had a question for my new boss regarding what time I should arrive for work on Tuesday, my first day at the new job. His response was 8am, and that my hours would be 8 to 5 everyday. Immediately my thought was "wait a minute, that's like 8 hours everyday with a one hour lunch break.... WOW!" Now I understand why labor unions went into effect, these conditions may be too much for me to bear. If I can't check scores on I'll really be up a shit creek...

Speaking of ESPN, I had another moment of clarity yesterday which involved the world wide entertainment leader. As long as I have been involved in athletics, I have been hounded by the argument that golf is a sport. By definition, sports involve athletes and contests that test skill as well as physical exertion and stamina. In other words, games like Billiards, Poker, and GOLF may be very skill intensive and take years of practice to excel, but this alone does not make them a sport. The one argument golfers always seem to make to me is "well, if it is on ESPN, it must be a sport..." Well, if it's that simple, explain this. Why is it that yesterday I tuned into ESPN while eating lunch and I found this Athletic juggernaut:


Oh yeah, I thought about doing the spelling bee but I don't have the time to invest in training for it, so I decided to do an Ironman instead. Nice work, ESPN you whores... Nice touch having Stuart Scott report from the scene as well, I'll bet he fired his agent this morning. And nice argument, golfers. So as you can see, the only reason they put Golf, Poker, Billiards, and in this case the spelling bee on ESPN is because people who buy cars and Rolex watches will watch. It's about advertising dollars and business, it never had anything to do with sports.

Oh, and by the way, the next time you are on the course and actually see someone who resembles an athlete, kindly point him/her out for me...

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