Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Guess who bought a new camera....

That's right! This site just got more entertaining, especially with shots like the one above. I bought a beautiful Canon A570 Powershot with Image Stabilization and it totally kicks ass. Let me take you on a tour of my day yesterday...

I worked in the store as I do most Saturday's....

This is Heather, she used to run for San Jose State and is now prepping to try to make the Olympic team, she's pretty cool.

This is Heidi, Tim's wife. Heidi is doing a gait analysis for one of our customers. Heidi is also a nutrition guru.
That's Tim in the blue shirt chatting with a customer.
That's Chris in the light blue shirt who usually pitches a shit fit whenever someone brings in their dog, but the tall guy with the dog is Rob Komas who I affectionately refer to as Jack Nicholson, because he is super smooth and way cool...
After work I went to the A's game fundraiser...
This is Karen, the soon to be ex run team manager. She is absolutely smashed in this picture.

This is Jesus wearing his Dodger hat at the A's game. Other than being a Dodger fan he is a pretty good guy.

So there you have it! I am off later this week to Anchorage where I am sure to have plenty more pictures where these came from! See ya!!!!

1 comment:

Silicon Valley Moms Group said...

You freaking kill me!!!!! Love the photos.