Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


5 days and counting! I am starting to get that excited feeling I had this time last year. The days leading up to the Boston Marathon are unlike any other race. Most races are all about the finish time and weather or not I prepared myself enough to do well. I always strive to PR and I use that as motivation for my training. But with Boston it's a little different. The Boston Marathon is a very special race. Not only does it mean a lot to those who attempt to qualify, but the entire Boston area is in a buzz over the event for the entire weekend. You never forget that you are a part of something spectacular, it's such an amazing feeling. When I think about what Boston means to me I usually come around to thinking of John Dean. I'll never forget John training so hard to qualify, coming up short by a few minutes at P.F. Chang's in Phoenix, and few years later he was gone. He was never was able to realize this goal of his. I will always respect and honor this event and it is because of John that I appreciate this race as much as I do. I'll never forget how fortunate I am to have the opportunity to run the Boston Marathon. This year I am running it with Karen Dean, Rich Williams, Tim and Heidi Schenone, David Fenster, Anissa Mohler and Stan Tsu. And best of all I will be spending my whole week with my good friend Colleen! I have a feeling this trip is going to be even more special than last years. And THAT is why I am excited. I trained to PR, but this year it is about so much more...

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