Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Monday, March 26, 2007


FINALLY, I can say the word. Only a couple of runs of 10 miles or more and its time to run my race in Boston. I chose to run my last 20 miler in Monterey for a few reasons. One reason was that some friends of mine who are also running Boston (Karen, Rich, Nissa, and Stan) were also there to run their last long run. Another reason is that this is just an amazing place to run. The California coastline is one of the most beautiful places on earth, and we are so lucky to be so close to it. This is where my grandparents, natives of Boston, Massachusetts decided to spend the rest of their lives. It's also the land of my birth... It was a perfect day for running, overcast skies which really brought out the full spectrum of greens in the waves of the ocean and grassy fields as well. A slight breeze to keep us cool, and spectacular views.

Afterwards I had a celebratory lunch at Phil's Fish Market in Moss Landing
(as seen on the Food Network) where I had the Sanddab platter and a big bowl of New England Clam Chowder. A taste of both Monterey Bay and Boston in one meal, how appropriate. The best part about that was rather than walking to my car after such a long run, I now had the option of rolling to it.

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