Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

When this house is a rockin, don't bother knockin...

We here in Northern California have experienced a higher frequency of earthquakes recently. 4 quakes with a magnitude of 3.0 or higher in just the last week. The largest just hit tonight at 8:40pm and it centered in Lafayette (East Bay) and it was felt as far north of Sebastapol, as far south as Monterey. And just as in all the other quakes, I DIDN'T FEEL ANY OF THEM!!!! Usually I am either asleep or not close enough, this time I was driving home from Track and since I was on the freeway, totally oblivious.

I feel so cheated when I hear of a quake and I don't feel it. This is bullshit. It's like being at an amusement park and hearing about this one ride that totally kicks ass, but they close it just before you were even able to get in line. And as you stand there wishing you could feel it, everyone around you is talking about how radical it was. I love earthquakes much the same way someone from the midwest loves lightning. Sure they both can be frightening and cause serious damage, but 999 times out of 1000 it's a harmless yet fascinating and awesome phenomenon.

Rock on!

Friday, February 23, 2007

I may never stop throwing up

Well, it's been a week and a half since RALLIE's story hit the pages of the San Jose Mercury News, and just when I thought the dust had settled, it bit me in the ass again...

After track last night, the Pen team held "hang with the gang" at Wahoo's Fish Taco's on El Camino and Cambridge. (excellent, I highly recommend it). As I sat there eating my taco's, beans, and rice, a new participant started talking about how she thought joining TnT would help her meet people. At that moment, the girl sitting across from me at the table says "you know, last week I was reading the paper and there was this story about this couple that met..."

I instantly rose from my seat and left the table unexcused. Rude? Probably. Necessary? You bet your ass. I'll be damned if I let that sickening garbage ruin a good fish taco.
Coming up next week:
We'll explore what part of the brain triggers nausea.....

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Are you on crack???

Four years ago I took part in the Providian relay with five friends in a van. It recently crossed my mind how much our lives have changed in the last 4 years. So much so in fact that if a man had gotten into that van and told us what our lives would be like today, the only question we could possibly have for him is, "Are you on crack?"

The man in the van points to Ed Paco and says:

"In four years you will be engaged to be married and living in Santa Cruz as the Head Coach of the Run team."

He points to Jill Sempel and says:

"You will be living in San Diego as a Psychiatrist while in a long distance relationship with a man living in Montana."

He points to Amy Buckingham and says:

"You will be married to Mike Gibson."

He points to me and says:

"Your ex-girlfriend will join Team in Training and marry your nemesis, John Bozsony. You will have had a relationship with your run team manager Lecia, who just bought a house with her husband, drive cross country with her to help her move to Washington DC. You are now a run coach on the Peninsula team."

He points to Colleen Conway and says:

"You will fall in love with a shoe salesman. You will separate your shoulder in a bizarre bicycle accident. You will move with your boyfriend to Boston to be with him, and then he will dump you."

He points to Dave Barman and says:

"There will be no changes for you."

Here's to the next four years!