Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

you are a real son of a bitch dot com

Have you ever had a driver make you so angry with their absent minded, rude, or flat out dangerous behavior that you want to rat them out to the world? Now you can! Go to and and put the word out about exactly what happened, who did it, and where. You can post the license plate and everything for full effect. Also, if the offenders happen to be registered to the site, they will get an email from the site with the specific complaint. Granted, with the 59,000 members on board your complaint will be a virtual message in a bottle and the intended recipient will most likely never see it. However, it is a good feeling knowing you did something constructive rather than just stewing over it. And who knows, maybe someone else on the site has a similar complaint about the same driver. Hopefully in time more and more people will join the fight and this will become a real solution to an ever growing problem.

We are mad as hell, and we are not going to take it anymore!!!!

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