Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Friday, October 06, 2006

Yearly Physical

I had my annual physical today and got a small piece of bad news. Nothing too serious or anything that cannot be reversed in the next month and a half or so, but apparently I have high blood pressure. 135/90 is what it came out to which is what my doctor termed "boarderline HBP" which he says is due to of all things, my weight. Apparently I am overweight at 174 lbs! (who makes up his clientelle, runway models?) Next time someone tells me that I am skinny, I'll refer them to Dr. Chiu. At any rate, he says if I drop 5 lbs I'll be fine again. Honestly, I think it's due in part to my lack of sleep caused by stress at work among other things. I plan on getting to bed earlier every night, cutting out sweets, red meat, and snacks. I'll also drink more water which is something I should be doing anyway. For those of you who think my coffee intake might be the culprit, to hell with you. They'll never take my coffee! NEVER!!!!!

FYI, I received flying colors for the rest of my physical, including a 151 Cholesterol level! Woo hoo!!!

1 comment:

Silicon Valley Moms Group said...

That Dr. is crazy, you are not overweight. Did you have them check again before you left? I always has high blood pressure when I first get to the dr.