Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Saturday, October 07, 2006

They are F@#%ing socks, lady....

Saturday at the Rev was interesting. The day before the inaugural San Jose Rock and Roll Half Marathon brought lots of nervous people making last minute purchases of GU and clothing, and the clueless fools who decided that they needed a new pair of shoes a day before the race. I didn't mind them that much, they were all new to a sport I love, and excited as I was for the first rock and roll event in my home town. But there was this one lady who needed running socks that really pissed me off. I see her staring at the sock wall, looking at the toe socks. Toe socks are just what you would imagine they would be, socks with individual toes at the end which for some are a God send as they tend to blister in between their toes when they run. I asked her if she needed some help and she says to me: "yes I need these toe socks in size small for running" as she points to a pair of white toe socks that are a size large and happen to have the word running on the package. This was last years packaging before the folks at Injinji decided to change the label to say "Performance". I pull a pair of white socks in size small with the "Performance" moniker and say plainly, "here you go..." In disgust with my apparent ignorance, she says "NO, those are "performance" socks and I need running socks." So I explain to her about the packaging change and these were in fact, running socks but she wouldn't have it. "Well cant you just go in the back and find a pair of running socks in small, that say running on the package." I then said, "well, these ARE running socks and they are size small..." Not giving up she says "what about those on the right, are they size small? I explain to her that we stock the wall in order by size and that they are all larges. The smalls were over on this side, and even though they are the exact same fabric, size, style, look, feel, and for the time being smell as the ones that say running, unfortunately for me they say performance. After all, why in the hell would you find "Performance" socks in a running store??? (I didn't really say that, but I imagined saying it as I shook her senselessly.)

Then it dawned on me, I was just brought to the brink of unbridled rage over a pair of socks. Maybe my blood pressure IS causing this. I really should consider cutting back my coffee intake. Maybe just have one cup a day. Then switching to half cab, weaning myself off the insidious caffeine completely until finally I am totally decaffeinate...


1 comment:

Silicon Valley Moms Group said...

I am a comment whore today. I miss toe socks!!!!!!!!

I would have slapped that lady.