Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Mount Vernon

Last weekend I headed back to Washington DC and visit my good friend Lecia and her trusty feline, Babs. While the main reason for going to DC was to spend time with my old friend, I also wanted to see some historic sites. I took a tour of Arlington National Cemetary on Friday, witnessed the changing of the guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier. On the Saturday of my trip, we chose to make the 40 minute drive to Mount Vernon, home of the first President of the United States, George Washington. The site was in word, beautiful. Imagine a massive estate with many buildings surrounded by 8,000 acres of rolling green meadows and forest areas, set against the Potomac River. In it's heyday this plantation held 5 farms, each with thier own workforce of slaves and livestock. Dignitaries and commonfolk alike would travel from miles around to stay at the house, hunt the lands, fish the river, and be fed like royalty all on General Washington's dime. After spending a few hours touring the mansion and surrounding areas, we ended up in the gift shop. I wanted to bring something home that would forever remind me of this historic site. Something of signifigance and reverence for the first president of our great land.

This is what I brought with me from Mount Vernon...

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