Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Nice Weekend

Edgewood & Canada Roads, Woodside

Not much new to report on this week. The weekend was the usual, spending most of it with the Ironteam proving to anyone and everyone of what a bunch of bad-asses we are. On Saturday I completed my longest swim to date, 2.4 miles in 1:29 followed by a 10 mile run. Sunday was a 75 mile bike followed by yet another 10 mile run. The folks doing Lake Placid and Vineman Full did their "triple brick" which consisted of a 2 hour ride and a 5 mile run, 3 times.

One of our teammates, Jenn Sussman completed her event in France today. Our first Ironwoman of our team! Her accomplishment reminds us all that our events are right around the corner, no longer this far away thing that we would do someday. I have 71 days before my event, not that I am counting... I truly feel that I am ready and I know they have prepared us well, but there still seems to be that anxiety that I haven't felt since the first marathon I trained for. The not knowing of what to expect motivates me to train harder. Nothing drives fear like the unknown. Once again I find fear as my biggest motivator, it simply works everytime. And if this is how I feel 71 days out, I am going to be motivated like a mo fo come raceday...

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