Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Monday, May 19, 2008

The worm has turned...

Southbay Triathlon
Uvas Reservoir
Morgan Hill, CA
Today we received the next and last batch of workouts in the training schedule from the head coach. This latest "phase" is called RACE PHASE. This segment is geared to get us ready for longer days and harden us to the misery that comes with endurance racing. Mainly what it means is that we will be required to spend even more time working out and even less time with anyone or anything outside of the Ironteam. We all knew this was coming, we have been told over and over but I guess the reality of it never settled in until we all saw it in black and white.

If I had to sum up how I feel about my feelings right now in one word it's selfishness. Next weekend we have two big workout days and I am going to miss most of them due to my having to lead a long run for the Run team on Saturday, and Sunday being my Mom's birthday. In any normal situation I would just blow off the workouts and make them up later, and not think twice about it. But these workouts are so long and intense, you simply cannot make them up on your own later in the day. Not only that, my event is 14 weeks away and I actually fear falling behind at this point. The selfishness rears it's ugly head when I find myself not only fighting the guilt of not doing the workouts, but also fighting the resentment of the events that stand in their way.

I guess when I signed up for this I understood this side of training for an Ironman as much as I did every other part of it, little or nothing at all. As much as people try to explain to you or even warn you at times, until you actually go through it, you cannot imagine how much you ask of yourself, and ultimately of others when you spend 20+ hours a week working out. This is as selfish an endeavor as I have ever undertaken.

Now here is the part that might concern some. When the coaches email went out and the new schedule was unveiled, there was actual shock expressed from the group. Some sounded like they were astounded while others seemed to even fear it. But to be perfectly honest, when I opened that email and read that schedule I thought to myself.... "RIGHT FUCKING ON!!!!"

I am having the time of my life. God help me, I love this Ironteam...

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