Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Saturday, March 22, 2008

And now for something completely different.....

This post goes out to all of you who are tired of reading about Ironteam. I actually had some free time to myself this weekend and I took advantage of it by watching my 5 year old niece Kaley play T-ball. When I was a kid we had one girl on our team and she was like Jackie Robinson. Back then very few girls played baseball and we weren't too thrilled to have her on our team early on. But over time she grew on us and as we would play games, players from other teams would talk trash to her and we would get mad and yell back. It was definitely a watershed moment for the womens movement at the time. Now it seems that 1/3 of the players at this age group are girls.

It was a sun splashed day at the ball park, 73 degrees with no wind, a great day for baseball. That is Kaley on the left with her hand extended, palm up, probably talking back to her father on the right.
Once the game is in play she is all business. Baggy pants and low stirrups with the shirt un-tucked. This damn near drew a tear to my eye...
Here she is in action, fielding a ground ball in the gap with her bare hand, eyes on the ball all the way. I can't adequately express how proud I am of her!!!
This shot features Kaley's little sister, Lindsey running through the picture. Two more years and she'll be out there!!!

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