Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I'll have the quad latte, please...

A few months back I reported that the results of my physical was a general clean bill of health but that I had a blood pressure reading that was borderline high, 120/90. At the time I was 173 lbs so the doctor told me to come back in three months and we would check it again, only this time come back at 170 lbs or less. Also, he wanted me to cut back on my coffee intake. Not by a lot, but maybe keep it to two cups a day.

Today I went in for my follow up appointment. I stepped on the scale and it read 170.1 lbs. He asked me about my coffee intake and I told him that I had been good, 2 -3 cups a day max. I also told him about the additional working out that I have been doing over the last three weeks and took all red meat out of my diet and I am eating a lot more vegetables. He proceeded to take my blood pressure and it read... (drumroll) 110/82!!!!

Here is the best news of all, he believes that my improved blood pressure reading was due to a combination of the lower weight and the diet lower in fat and more vegetables, and really didn't have much to do with my lower coffee intake.

I proudly marched out of his office and went straight to Starbucks. Make it a Venti Quad Latte, bitches!!!!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Luke's Run 2007

Every year the South Bay team puts on a birthday party for Luke Ydens, a young honoree who lost his battle with Leukemia 6 years ago. This year there were Four races, a 5K for adults, and then a 100 yard dash for age groups 0-5, 6-9, and 10 on up. Not only was it a great event for fundraising and celebrating a life that has now touched so many, but it was also a reunion of TnT alumi as well. The biggest winners of all were the kids who all got medals and treats at the end of the race.

John and Karen planning just before the start.

At the end of the National Anthem, a flock of doves was released by Luke's brothers, and later the race was underway.

While the race took place I had a chance to visit with old friends, and coaches like Anna Marie King. Once the race was over the kids took care of the extra balloons for us.

This was also the debut of Anthony Martin, 5 weeks old.

Everyone loaded up with balloons in preparation to sing happy birthday to Luke.

Luke's mom and dad address the crowd, thanking them all for coming and then Luke's brothers led us in the singing of Happy Birthday.


Monday, September 03, 2007

Bring it.

I bought my bike for Ironman today and it kicks serious ass. Check it out:

It's the 2007 Trek Madone 5.0. Full on Carbon Fiber frame, forks, seat stem, and neck. I saved a lot of money by buying last years model, and put that money saved back into the bike with some components that I though were pretty cool if not essential, such as:

a lightweight cage for my water bottle(they only had one in that style, I'll get the second one next week), as well as a nice seat bag for the spare tube and C02 tanks.

I opted for the Shimano Ultegra shifter and the Speedplay titanium pedals.

And finaly some Nike 10/2 "Lance" shoes with carbon fiber bottoms, and a yellow wristband with the words "cheat to win"

"Climb upon my trusted steeeeeeeeeeed...
then were gonna ride, gonna smoke some weeeeheeeeed...
Climb up on my BAD ASS steeeeeed...
and ride, ride, riiiiiiiiide...."

- Tenacious D