Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What happened to ESPN?

The other day I was watching SportsCenter when I had what recovered alcoholics refer to as a moment of clarity. It's when several occurrences happen spontaneously that help you realize a fact that you previously were unaware of. I was sitting on the couch, waiting for baseball highlights while Stuart Scott hosted a panel of celebrities as they discussed who was more Now, LeBron James or Shaquille O'Neal. The members of the panel were Jessica Biel, the guy from The King of Queens, and Mike from the Mike and Mike show on ESPN Radio. It was right about then when I asked myself, "wait a minute, when did Sportscenter turn into Entertainment Tonight?" Who's more Now? What does that even mean??? And what does that have to do with any of the games that happened that day (by the way, I'm still waiting for the baseball highlights). More important things are going on, like the Michael Vick endictment, and the wrestler who drugged his wife and kid before killing them, and them himself. And then there is the NBA ref who was fixing games for the mob... Scores? Who's got time for scores??? Alex Rodriguez's wife wore a shirt that said "fuck you" on it. We'll show you some highlights, just as soon as we show you the latest interview from Screamin A. Smith with Pac Man Jones' lawyer.... Then the College Football report with Mark May which means we will learn absolutely nothing because he hasn't contributed to the show in 5 years. Oh, and by the way, Derek Jeter was seen leaving a nightclub with Jessica Beil, I guess that makes him more Now that Shaq. I'll sleep better tonight knowing that, but I guess I'll have to log onto to see who won the ballgames.

Remember when MTV used to play videos, and it was like a radio station on your TV? Remember when Sportscenter was a half hour of highlights and real sports news? Remember when the Democratic party was about new ideas and the Republican party was about fiscal responsibility and not going to war unless it was absolutely necessary? What in the hell happened? My moment of clarity only seems to raise more questions. I'm going to bed.


Thursday, July 05, 2007

The 4th with family and friends

I think the best part about family and friends is that you can have next to nothing planned and end up having a lot to do when it comes to things like the 4th of July. I started mine with a short run, and then I headed to my mom's for a mid day BBQ at the pool with my brother, his wife, and my nieces.

This is Kaley (4 years old) on the left and Lindsey (2 years old) on the right. As you can see, I taught Lindey how to swim. She is currently wearing enough floatation equipment to gear up a small rowboat. Kaley is also a good athlete, she plays soccer and softball, but she is an an even better trash talker. These apples don't fall far from the Barber tree, that much is certain.

Later in the afternoon I caught up with some friends at Angela McNutt's party.

Angela rented some canopies that really helped us beat the heat as it was pretty warm that day. We had lots to eat and drink as well, it just wouldn't have been an American holiday without family, friends, and way too much food.

Angela just bought an iPhone and we all took turns playing with it. All of us except for Marlies who not only couldn't be bothered with it, but by the looks of this photo she wasn't putting up with ANY unnecessary bullshit.


After the party, most of us went to Shoreline to see the fireworks to celebrate our independance. After the 15 minute show, it took us 90 minutes to re-gain our freedom from the parking lot... Hope you all had a great 4th of July!

Monday, July 02, 2007

The Last Blog about the Last Frontier

OK, this is going to be the last blog I put together regarding Alaska as I am sure you are all ready for me to move on and talk about new stuff. I was going through my pictures last night and I thought I would share these. One thing that I can say about Alaska is that photographs just don't do it justice. Alaska is one of the most beautiful, fascinating, and exciting places I have ever seen. Everyday that I spent in Juneau I saw Bald Eagles so large they take your breath away, and Humpback Whales, one about 25 feet from me (INSIDE THE MARINA!!!) where we docked the boat. Do yourself a favor and see it sometime...

Thanks again to my Cousin Patrick and his girl Lisa for showing me such a great time in Juneau!