Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Up side the head

I am currently on this mission to get into the best shape of my life in preparation for the Boston Marathon in April. (interesting to see how long this lasts) So a day after my last boxing workout, I did a 7 mile run in the morning, then in the evening I went back into "Undisputed" to try out one of thier kickboxing classes. Not Cardio Kickboxing, but an actual Kickboxing workout. I learned that when you kick the heavybag you lean to one side which puts strain on the standing leg, and you lift your other leg up using your abs, and then you kick the bag which puts strain on the kicking leg. Our instructor was a nice enough guy, his name is Eddie and one of his eyes is permanently closed due to a prior fight we are left to assume. He was very informative and helpful. He saw that my kicks on the heavybag were a bit low so he came over and explained to me that "kicking him in the ass isn't very effective, try aiming higher and kick your opponent up side the head." It was an hour long and when it was over, I needed a minute on the floor just to regroup.

When I got up this morning my legs felt OK but my abs are sore as all hell. I need to get back to work, all this excerise is going to be the death of me.

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