Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Thursday, December 28, 2006

I feel like I am taking crazy pills....

When I was a young and I followed the Giants, it almost seemed pointless because the owner at the time either didn't have the money to field a good team, or simply didn't want to spend it. For years I rooted for teams that had mediocre pitching, poor hitting, and lousy fielding. It didn't matter to me though, I was a fan and I rooted for them anyway. But I always wished the Giants had an owner who would spend some money and bring me a winner...

Be careful of what you wish for.

A couple weeks ago the Giants signed Ryan Klesko, a first baseman with a bad shoulder who missed 150 games last year, for one year at an undisclosed amount of money (rumors state its at around 8 million dollars) He has never hit well at SBC park, but then again no left hander has for the exception of Barry Bonds.

About a month ago, without any other teams bidding on him, the Giants signed Barry Bonds for one year at 16 million dollars. Barry is 43 years old, can't run, never could throw, and his picture can be found in the dictionary under the heading "clubhouse cancer". But he will be the starting left fielder because he is going to break the home run record that noone will recognize because he was on steroids for the last 7 or 8 years, filling the park everyday in the process. I wonder if they could have signed a closer for 16 million.

And today the Giants signed Barry Zito to the 6th highest contract in professional sports history, 7 years at 126 million dollars, with an option for an 8th year which would make it 144 million. At this price you would think he was a 25 game winner with one or more no hitters to his credit. Zito was 16 - 10 last year with a 3.83 ERA, and that was with the A's who have a good closer, the Giants have Armando Benitez.

So if you do the math, it comes out like this:




I will be a very old man before the Giants win the World Series...

I don't know what is worse, having an owner who won't put the money out there to get a winning team, or one who spends it like a drunken sailor on a whore binge. It blows my mind that men with that much money would spend it so foolishly. How did they get rich in the first place if they didn't know how to handle thier own finances? Would it be too much to ask if the Giants owners were very wealthy and Jewish?

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