Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Saturday, January 31, 2009


My cousin Rick passed away this week. It's been more than a day since I heard the news and it's just now starting to seem real. I keep having flashbacks of episodes in my life that included him, almost all of them included laughing and great conversation. Rick had a unique quality in that when you spoke to him, he seemed to hang on every word, as if he really cared what you had to say, and to prove it he would offer his own observations to what you said that you would end up revisiting in your mind later that day. I always looked forward to seeing him at family functions and they were never quite as fun when he wasn't there. There is so much I wish I could have said to him had I known he was going to leave. This thought is usually my first step in the acceptance of someones death.

Rick was a great writer too. Here is an example of his work that I would argue is New York Times Editorial worthy:

I noticed that our present Failure-in-Chief contacted Obama to congratulate him
on his victory, commenting that he is in for a 'wild ride'. Especially given
the source, what a brilliant metaphor for W's view of the Presidency: unlimited
control over the worlds largest amusement park, a gift for Christmas 2000 from
the Supreme Court to the former First Brat. Unfortunately the park is looking
more like Atlantic City, New Jersey before they legalized gambling, since
George and his frathouse buddies broke most of the really cool rides, and the
only people who want to hang out there now are con artists, loan sharks,
prostitutes and religious fanatics. So the rich kid, in his own special vision
of philanthropy, is passing his busted-up and nearly useless toy to the poor
kid from the other side of the tracks. Unsurprisingly, it wasn't actually his
idea, but his mom made him do it in exchange for not having to eat his broccoli.

Welcome to the helm of the ship of state, President Obama. I hope you brought
your own lifeboat, because there are plenty of icebergs out there, and in the
event that the ship goes down, the steerage passengers will be debarking last.

Rick Barry

I am going to miss Rick. I already do...

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