Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

There is a new sheriff in town, bitches....

Just before the end of the last Ironteam season, Coach Dan asked me to come back as the Run Coach for Ironteam 2009. Obviously I was honored and thrilled that he asked me and it was pretty much a no-brainer, I accepted the offer immediately. While I may have extensive knowledge in running and limited background with the bike, I know next to nothing about swimming. Therefore, Dan has me working with the fast folks who need no instruction on how to do the drills or the main set, they only need to know the workout. It also alleviates Dan from the dreaded "Bad-Coach" role where I have to tell these guys just how hard they will be working. Last Sunday I received a crash course in Anger Management 101.

This is me explaining the last and hardest segment of the workout.

The first stage of acceptance of said workout is Denial, as seen here with Andrew, followed by Disbelief as illustrated by Christina.
The final stage of acceptance, Rage, clearly evident by Richard.

But don't get me wrong, being the new coach isn't entirely about serving as an emotional tampon, I get to have fun too. Here I am in my baseball uniform which I wore as my costume at the ride n' tie. I had some time to kill and apparently a rule to break.

The sign made no mention of breaking up double plays on the hillside. Dan in the referee outfit got into the act too.

Being a coach on the Ironteam is so much fun!!!

Monday, November 03, 2008

Did you vote???

My apologies for neglecting my blog. I just had to sign in and post something political for the election.

If you haven't already...

Get out and vote!!!