Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Monday, February 25, 2008

How was your weekend?

Some of you may have stayed indoors and out of the rains this weekend. This is what we did for two days..


This is us after our 8 mile run(race) waiting for the pool to open up.

Thankfully there was an overhang to protect us from the rain.

Once inside we swam 3000 yards and then it was to the locker rooms to change and get ready for core. I am thinking the banana was an inappropriate choice for the men's locker room.

Here we are standing and waiting for core to start, unassuming and unprepared for the hell that was about to be unleashed upon us.

There is a saying that the Devil is a beautiful woman in a red dress. Wrong, she wears blue with black running pants. Elaine is her name and for one hour she beat the hell out of us. She was an attractive girl in a dominating, angry sort of way.

The next day we did another 3,000 meter swim followed by a spinerval which took place in the men's locker room at Gunderson High School due to the rain. We still had to run in the rain though. After the banana incident, I decided to bring a PB&J.

We were out of the rain but it was one humid and funky lockeroom, let me tell you. 30 minute spin, then a 20 minute run on the track in the rain, followed by 15 minute core(sans hellwoman) in the rain. Repeat two more times.

It was pretty loud but it was also a lot of laughs. I really like this team we work very hard and just when you think you can't do any more, someone makes you laugh and you keep on going.

I worked so hard at one point I actually thought I was the Joker from Batman...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

People think Ironteamers are hard core...

Hard core jackasses that is...
"cycling jersey, cycling shorts, fluffy crocs... I'm all set, lets go!"

Nice hair, Kramer...

Slow down, those things give you gas!!!

What compells people to take my picture with the pump? It's beyond comprehension...