Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Swim .93 mi, Bike 25.2mi, Run 6.2mi

It was a cold and unforgiving morning on Treasure Island for 2008 Louie Memorial Triathlon. However, nothing would deter the hearty souls of the Ironteam on this day.

After the coaches briefing we were sent on a half mile walk to the beach where the swim start was. Not that I was nervous or anything, but it was here where Jesus reminds me that you are supposed to wait till you are in the water before you pee in your suit.

After doing very well for the first time in open water, it was onto the bike for 6 laps around a 4.2 mile course. I am blurry in this picture because I am absolutely hauling ass...

I rather enjoy hauling ass, quite frankly....

Finally onto the run, something I actually do well, unless of course I swim and bike for two hours immediately before hand...

This was my first Olympic Triathlon and I had an absolute blast. I already had a lot of respect for anyone who did these. Now that I have had a taste of this I have that much more. This is as addicting as anything else I have done. I absolutely love it. Absolutely....

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Louie Tri

Yesterday was the 7th Annual Louie Bonpua Memorial Triathlon. Louie was an honoree and participant of the Ironteam who lost his battle with Leukemia in 2002. Louie's courage and determination to accomplish things such as train for and completing an Ironman while undergoing chemo, or carry the Olympic Torch with only days left to live inspires people to this day. It was an honor for me to take part in this event and it was also my first Olympic distance Triathlon. To say that I was nervous about the swim is a grotesque understatement. I actually lost sleep over this! The course was a 1/4 mile triangle in the cove that we were to do 4 times. Not only did I end up doing all of it but the last lap and a half were actually fun. I had a blast. Here I am 36 hours later and I am still stoked about it! It was a cold and rainy day on Treasure Island but we really lucked out as it held itself at bay during the event for the most part. I won't bore you with the details like the bike course was rough, riddled with pot holes and bumps in the road, or that my neck was on fire from the chaffing complements of my kick ass wet suit. However my friend Jesus aka Juice aka Willis being quite the shutterbug took a great set of photos and put them in a slide show complete with captions. Check it out!!! Afterwards there was a fantastic BBQ put on the the Ironteam and we got to hear from some honorees as well as Louie's sister. It was the kind of day that reminds me why I do this, and a day I will never forget. I am so glad I joined the Ironteam...