Because even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Please try again on 11/05/07

I will be out of the country beginning 10/25/07 and returning on 11/05/07. Not only will I partake in the Dublin Marathon but I also hope to learn more of the land that my family came from, and maybe even a better understanding of what makes me who I am. Perhaps these photos will give you an idea of what lay ahead in the next week and a half...

Erin Go Bragh, Bitches!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fun in a wetsuit

I ordered a wetsuit and got a great deal on a Zoot Zenith "WetZoot"! I tried it on as soon as I got it home and it wasn't long before I realized how fun it was! Check it out...

It wasn't long before it became very warm in the wetsuit...
Frankly, I was exhausted. That's going to be it from me for about a week. I am off it Ireland to run the Dublin Marathon on Monday the 29th and see the land from which my family came. See you all later!!!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Monday, October 08, 2007

You want this shirt!!!!

Before you roll your eye's and say to yourself "Just what I need right now, pictures of Barber in his pajamas with an image of the American Flag on the TV and his living room is a mess and, wait, what's in that bottle????"

Relax. It's only the greatest and best fundraiser in the world. Here's the deal. For a $20.00 donation, you get a long sleeve, navy blue, cotton t-shirt.

Full color Team in Training logo on the left breast with the good green and purple colors.

On the back, "Saving Lives.... One Mile At A Time!" with the swim, bike, and run logos.

But here is the best part. I have a friend who can do 2 for 1 corporate matching from her company, so your $20.00 donation turns into $60.00 to fight Leukemia, Lymphoma, and other blood related cancers. You do something good for humanity, and look damn good doing it...

Great for lounging around or even doing Mick Jagger impressons... Regardless of your needs, YOU WANT THIS SHIRT!!!

Contact me at to get yours today!!!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Picture of the day

"You just go hide that stuff, I'll deal with Po Po...."